To Support our work, you can send your donations to below shared UPI ID/Scan QR code/Bank details.
Please Note that, Donations made to Kardhar Gau Seva Sansthan can be claimed as a deduction under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.
On any donation without PAN/Aadhaar card number, Kardhar Gau Seva Sansthan will be taxed at 30%, so please do provide that information.
We are soon adding Debit card transactions and a form to reach back at you to seamlessly. Do Not hesitate to contact us through below mentioned channels.
Call us at +91 9828965143 or send us an email
Registration No. : coop/2018/RAJSAMAND/100162
UPI Transfer
UPI ID: 6881984554@indianbk Banking Name: Kardhar Gau Seva Sansthan Bagol
Bank Transfer Account Details –
Name: KARDHAR GAU SEVA SANSTHAN BAGOL Bank – Indian Bank, Nathdwara A/C No: 6881984554 IFSC Code: IDIB000N168